EP096: How to Tell Your Story in an RFP Response – with Paul Furiga
Is there a place for story in business? According to Paul Furiga, Chief Storyteller at WordWrite, story plays a crucial role in differentiating a company from its competitors and attracting customers to the brand. Listen in as Paul explains how to uncover the story of your business and tell it effectively in an RFP response.
EP071: Storytelling for Business – with Faye Fulton
Many business leaders favor data over description, believing that a list of merits is enough to connect with a potential client. But data doesn’t make you more likable or trustworthy. Storytelling does. Listen in as Faye Fulton shares the five different types of story for business, offering advice on how to develop your storytelling skills!
EP040: Competing for Attention with Your RFP Response – with Lisa Rehurek
Evaluators are bored, tired and distracted. You are not just competing in terms of knowledge and expertise, you’re competing for attention span. So, how is your RFP response going to capture interest? Listen in on my top strategies for catching—and keeping—the evaluator’s attention with visual appeal, emotional connection and a conversational tone!
EP034: 5 Ways to Avoid BORING in a Technical RFP Response – with Lisa Rehurek
Your chances of winning a bid are remote if you throw your readers into a coma of boredom. But how do you convey professionalism, demonstrate your knowledge and abilities AND keep readers engaged? Listen in as I share 5 ways to avoid the BORING we associate with a highly technical RFP response!
EP029: Storytelling to Build Trust & Sell Your Service – with Sandra Younger of ComeBACK Solutions
Emotional connection builds trust, and trust leads to sales. But what is the best way to establish that emotional connection? The answer lies in storytelling. Listen in as bestselling author Sandra Younger shares the three types of stories every business should have and explains how to incorporate storytelling in the RFP writing process!